Keywords: liturgy – Eastern Orthodoxy – way of the Cross – Bradley Jersak
Ich kehrte kürzlich von einer Retraite im Rocky Mountain National Park zurück, an der Autor
und Pastor Brian Zahnd, seine Frau Peri und etwa sechzig Teilnehmer aus den ganzen USA
teilnahmen. Die Landschaft war wunderschön, die Lehre inspirierend und die Gespräche tief
und bewegend. Doch was mich am nachhaltigsten bewegte, kam aus einer unerwarteten
Quelle: der Liturgie.
Ein Tag im Leben einer Autorin
Keywords: Vocation – Buechner – calling
Life has us wear many different hats. Mom. Wife. Missionary. Teacher. Novelist. Those are some of mine from past and present, and your list might be even longer. All these hats define us to some degree, demand our time, and make us constantly question our allocation of resources. No wonder many of us spend years or decades nursing the question of “what am I supposed to achieve in life, and what should I let go of?”…
Organisiertes Staunen
Keywords: Creation – evolution – faith – John Cressler
“Science and Religion” – hearing the topic for a nearby seminar, I had signed up before you could say “Jesuit retreat”, which is where it was going to take place. Fifteen years ago, however, I would have run from a science retreat as fast as I was running to it last week. So, since I know both sides, this is not a post to judge, but one that seeks to understand what motivates so many modern people today to refuse science with a passion.
Ein gefährlicher Ostersonntag
Keywords: Beauty – mystery – Easter – the Way of the Cross
Hin und wieder staune ich, wie unterschiedlich ich heute mein Leben als Nachfolger Christi erlebe, verglichen mit beispielsweise vor zehn Jahren. Letzten Sonntag wurde es mir einmal mehr bewusst.
Tanzen auf Goldniveau
Keywords: Ballroom dancing – trust – following
Ballroom dancing has been a part of my life for many years. It’s special to my husband and me in many ways – a wonderful date night experience, a new body awareness, lots of fun and of course a chance to wear nice clothes and enjoy great music. And yet….
Blessed are you…
Keywords: Sermon on the Mount -humility – atheism – Nietzsche – The Chosen
Since the launch of my first novel just over a month ago, I’ve spent a lot of time in the world of sales and marketing. Honestly, I can’t stand it – like most authors and other artists. We feel deeply that our craft is about more than achieving, comparing numbers, and coming out on top…